Ag meaning
Ag meaning

ag meaning

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Greek agein "to lead, guide, drive, carry off," agon "assembly, contest in the games," agōgos "leader," axios "worth, worthy, weighing as much " Sanskrit ajati "drives," ajirah "moving, active " Latin actus "a doing a driving, impulse, a setting in motion a part in a play " agere "to set in motion, drive, drive forward," hence "to do, perform," agilis "nimble, quick " Old Norse aka "to drive " Middle Irish ag "battle." It forms all or part of: act action active actor actual actuary actuate agency agenda agent agile agitation agony ambagious ambassador ambiguous anagogical antagonize apagoge assay Auriga auto-da-fe axiom cache castigate coagulate cogent cogitation counteract demagogue embassy epact essay exact exacta examine exigency exiguous fumigation glucagon hypnagogic interact intransigent isagoge litigate litigation mitigate mystagogue navigate objurgate pedagogue plutogogue prodigal protagonist purge react redact retroactive squat strategy synagogue transact transaction variegate.

ag meaning

If someone were to lit igate against you, you would probably feel that it was an ex igent or urgent situation, that is, it must be attended to at once and be thoroughly “done.” And hopefully the lawyer who is defending you wouldn’t be amb iguous about the whole legal matter, thereby being “done” or “acted” on in “both” directions, that is, she would not come down on one side or the other, but rather leave room for multiple interpretations as to who was in the right.Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to drive, draw out or forth, move." What other things are “done” that have this root ig in them? When someone lit igates, she has a lawyer “do” a lawsuit against another person for the purpose of cast igating another, hence “doing” a form of punishment. For instance, let’s take the word “nav igate.” It would sound silly if this word were spelled “nav agate!” And of course, when a helmsman nav igates a ship, he “does” the wheel, hence “driving” the ship in the desired direction. Sometimes the root ag changes to ig so that the word sounds better. Speaking of agents, the agents in your blood that cause it to co agulate or be “driven” together to “do” clotting are your platelets, little “doers” who keep a cut from bleeding for too long. Agents often “do” the work that agitates others, for those details can be troublesome in the “doing.” It takes a great deal of mental agility to be able to “do” the necessary things to get published, and so authors will often leave that sort of work to the agile agents, who skillfully work their way through all the things that need “doing,” from contacting publishers to working out contracts. Authors have so many things to “do” when writing that they often employ agents, who “do” many things for them to help them get their books published. It seems like we always have things to be “done” which are on our daily agenda.

ag meaning

The Latin root ag and its variant ig mean “do.” This podcast’s agenda will be to nav igate our way through these two roots.

Ag meaning